Are you tired of thinking about the fact that how to keep the slices of bread fresh for so long? Then the wait for your thinking is over because following given are some tips and ideas that how to keep your bread fresh. The best way to keep the slices of bread fresh is to wrap them up in the DIY linen bags so that they can last longer. Here is the idea about how to make this DIY linen bag from thrifted linen just in few minutes.
Tips for bread storage
Me and my family is one of a kind who don’t use bread loaves either in breakfast or lunch brunch etc. So, whenever I make few slices of breads, some of them always end up being mouldy and almost half of them is wasted due to the slices that are not fresh no longer. Since our childhood, all of us are watching our parents saving the loaves of bread in polythene or plastic bags. So, it always results in the wastage of not only bread slices but also of the plastic bags that is leading to one of the major causes of land pollution. These plastic bags are obviously then sent to the landfill too. And once you can see a mold in that plastic bag then there is no other way to clean it
And as there are a lot of the plastic bags being wasted all around the globe resulting in the damage of the layer of this planet earth i.e. the ozone layer and we all should find a way out of this problem that how to get rid of these plastic bag
Amazing storage bags
After the struggle of many years to find the better substitute for the plastic bags for the bread slices, I have finally reached the conclusion of making this cotton bread bag for the rescue purpose. Also, linen is the perfect fabric that can easily help us in the storage of breads. And the French men have already known this trick for many years’ decades and even centuries
- They are easy to use and breathable also
- They keep the bread slices in the dark so that they cannot get molded
- They can easily be hung anywhere. For our own ease we can hang it on any hook
- Linen is a kind of material; that itself attract the moisture naturally from the surrounding air
Step by step instructions
Start the procedure while washing and ironing the dinner napkin before the start of this procedure. That will always help you uncleaning and the preshrinking of the linen that is the best fabric and most commonly used fabric for this purpose. Following given is the step by step preparation of it:
Prepare the fabric
· Make the string casing· Stitch the bottom and side seams· Turn right side out· Topstitch the edges